Tuesday, July 1, 2008

What is your Real Commitment?

“Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant” Mark 10:43
What is your real commitment to the Worship Team.. Do you just want to play and sing or are you really there to serve..?? Here is a handy guide to help you decide..

1-Are you prepared for Sunday Morning? example: On Tuesday , have you looked at your e mail to download the new music and songs..(not Friday). In order to know a song you should listen to it over and over and over until it becomes a natural expression of Worship.( that means alot of times)

2-Are you on time to rehearsal?. Yes this could mean 6.30 am Sunday morning at some Campuses..(This also means not to stay up til 5 am so that you are fresh..and ready..) Do you have good strings, pics, sticks, words and music? Are you prepared?

3-Now lets assume you are ready…. (big points)

a-Did you bring your bible with you ? (large print ok)

b-Are you going to sit through (in) the live service ? ( free coffee)

c-After the service have you made yourself accessible ?(people acutally look for us …..you might have to shake some hands of someone that you have touched with your gift, so bring the hand stuff)..

Score 1- yes = 10 points no = 0

2- yes = 15 points no = 0

3- Yes = 25 points no = 10 points for honesty

a yes = 15 points no = 0

b yes = 15 points no = 0

c yes = 20 points no = 0

If you scored less than 100 points please check your commitment.

“Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord.” Eph:5:18b,19

Jeffrey D


Ro(bert)o Lopez said...

I didn't do to good....oops!

Arturo de la Mora said...

Hey bro!

What happen if I got 130 points?


Great post!